
Would like to give a big heads up that not only am I going on vacation for the next week, but my laptop (which I used my for my rp account discord) isn't working properly so it's going to be a while until I either A) figure out a way to use two discord account on my phone at the same time because my primary account uses back up codes to get in and idk if it just cycles between them codes or if each code is a one time use. Or B) My laptop gets fixed, and it doesn't cost me millions of dollars to do so
          	Will keep everyone posted


Would like to give a big heads up that not only am I going on vacation for the next week, but my laptop (which I used my for my rp account discord) isn't working properly so it's going to be a while until I either A) figure out a way to use two discord account on my phone at the same time because my primary account uses back up codes to get in and idk if it just cycles between them codes or if each code is a one time use. Or B) My laptop gets fixed, and it doesn't cost me millions of dollars to do so
          Will keep everyone posted


Thanks for the follow back! I assume you have discord? If so, may I add you? 


@ThatOneRandoIdiot  sure, it's rmrper_04041