SOOOOOOOOOO I KINDA DELETED EVERY PAGE SO IM JUST GONNA RESTARTE......BUT I WANNA FINISH THIS BOOK AND TRY TO GET AT LEAST 1000 WORDS IN BUT ITS LATE FOR ME AND THE KATIE JACOB ONE IS SUPER LONG AND- why am i yelling, anyuways im tired but i am gonna like watch the episode like 2 or 3 more times so i can get it right and stuff. anddddd i want to have the pages mor like the show but just spicy?
idk but hope yall like it and the important page whhere it says "y/n' he said his voice breaking" yeah that part im gonna add on like the last couple of pages for this book so thats like your heads up its gonna end soon.
damn i wrote so much ANYWAYS HOP U LIKE THE 15 SEC PAGE, i wanna post at least 3 tm so just a heads up.