
Sorry yall, I thought I would have the next chapter up by now - clearly I was incorrect. Work and college preparations are kicking my butt! 
          	But hopefully I will have the next chapter out this week, and possibly the first chapter of my next book out soon as well. 
          	It's a Midoriya x MC, and the main character is something I've never seen done before by any other My Hero fanfic and I'm really proud of myself for coming up with it! 
          	Speaking of which, if any of you are artistically talented with making book covers and would like to help me out on this one, please DM me!! 


this message may be offensive
@6xGrayx6 Duper*** fucking typos 


@6xGrayx6 I’m also super fuper proud of you for managing to put so much efforf into your books even though I’m sure you have a really busy schedule outside of wattpad! ❤️❤️




Hay I just started reading your todoroki X reader fic and love it all ready. I then went to see if you had more like it and saw that you haven't posted in a while, I just wanted to ask if you are doing good and are taking care of yourself. Hope you will continue to write, but no pressure if you decide not to. ☺️


Sorry yall, I thought I would have the next chapter up by now - clearly I was incorrect. Work and college preparations are kicking my butt! 
          But hopefully I will have the next chapter out this week, and possibly the first chapter of my next book out soon as well. 
          It's a Midoriya x MC, and the main character is something I've never seen done before by any other My Hero fanfic and I'm really proud of myself for coming up with it! 
          Speaking of which, if any of you are artistically talented with making book covers and would like to help me out on this one, please DM me!! 


this message may be offensive
@6xGrayx6 Duper*** fucking typos 


@6xGrayx6 I’m also super fuper proud of you for managing to put so much efforf into your books even though I’m sure you have a really busy schedule outside of wattpad! ❤️❤️




Happy Mother's Day! 
          I have work this morning (I'm a server at a steakhouse), so it'll be pretty crazy busy all day. But I should get off in about 6 hours or so, and after I eat dinner when I get home I will be working on the next chapter! I already have it planned out, just have to write it! 
          See you guys later!!!! 
          <3 <3 <3 


When are you gonna post a new chapter


@6xGrayx6 Ok take your time. I was just curious.


@Dannybd367 My last AP exam is Monday, and after that I will officially be done with my senior year and on my way to graduation. I've been extremely busy the past while, but very soon I'll finally be able to keep up a steady upload schedule! 


Hey guys, there will be a new chapter out today! And more surprisingly, a new book (or maybe even more than one) will be released today or VERY soon! 
          On top of this, and this is something I will include in my author intro of the chapter today, Wattpad has suddenly begun reporting ALL comments containing swear words in them. I'm not sure why, but on both of my books, any comment with a swear word more offensive than "Damn" is under review. 
          So, try not to swear or your comment will be reported by wattpad's system! 
          See y'all soon, have a great day! 


@6xGrayx6 I'm gonna have a lot of reports soon :(


I don't know who all actually reads these, but for those of you who do, Chapter 44 of A Hero's Family is already in progress and will be out probably later this week! 
          Sorry updates are taking longer than normal lately, I will reveal why when I update! Thank you so much for your patience! <3


I promise I'm not dead! And I'm really really really sorry for the lack of update. It will be coming soon, I assure you! I've been super busy with school and figuring out what I'm going to do with my life. Getting all that together has been stressful, but I'm finding more and more breaks every day, so writing will continue really soon!
          I apologize to everyone that reads as soon as the chapters come out! Please don't hate me T~T