this message may be offensive
hey ya'll so I am thinking about leaving wattpad I might not but Idk I probably will just stop commenting I may comment here and there, and I know I just took a break and now I am thinking about leaving wattpad I know and I am really sorry it's just I don't want to accidentally say something that I don't mean an you get offended, I have my opinions and I don't want to offend anyone or sound offensive by accident. I love you all I really do you are all really fucking nice and beautiful people, but it is a lot of work to respond to all of your replies half of the time I barely even know what to respond with and if I do respond I am worried if it is offensive, and then I am thinking about it for the rest of the day, I am really sorry it just gets me really stressed so I might not comment anymore and if you reply to one of my comments please don't expect me to reply I might reply and I might not again I am really sorry this may sound really sudden, but it's just that every time I comment or reply Idk if it was the right thing to say or not, again I am very sorry I will try my best to reply or comment but I might not do it as much as I do, I really hope you all understand, again I love you all so much you are all wonderful people and I love you all so so much and you are all so very nice and you all have but nothing but kind to me and I am so very lucky to have you all following me and I am very grateful. Again you are all wonderful and kind and beautiful people I love you! <333

thank you so much this made want to legit cry, thank you so much you are so sweet and this did help me and it made me feel a lot better thank you again <3333

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Hey, I understand how much pressure it is to reply to people, but if it helps any?? No one here gives a shit if you sound a little awkward or strange or even offensive, because the truth is, we all have the exact same worries. And you absolutely don't have to feel the need to reply to every single comment. Everyone will understand if you don't. It might make me sound like a bad person, but sometimes I choose not to reply just cause I'm having a bad day, and I know that no one minds. Also, if you're worried what you're going to say is offensive, my advice is to just straight out say that you don't mean it to be offensive. If the situation is something else, again, there's no pressure to answer to them, and choosing not to reply will not hurt anyone's feelings, I promise that. Anyway, if this didn't help and you still want to leave, I understand. We'll miss you if you do! <3 (not me being a damn hypocrite and wondering if this sounds rude)

this message may be offensive
Holy fuck ya’ll :0 I just took a break cause you know a bitch needs one, and when I came back, and checked my notifications, holy shit,, I might wait until morning to read those cause it is like 2:00 am here and I am really tired like a bitch got BAGS under her eyes so Imma get back/reply to y’all in the morning kk have a good night,afternoon, morning Imma get some beauty sleep

wait people are following me?! I did not expect that... but thank you! You have no idea what that means to me thank you <333

@74757CK I spent like 2 whole minutes trying to put a bunch of heart emoji's from my mac and I just realized that it doesn't show up. adkjfhkds.

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Hopefully this year will be a better year


And also mai and zuko wow we all know the best ship is zuko and jin from bas sing sae

@Melvinsucks yeah jin did make zuko happy but he wasn't himself around her he was lee from the tea shop and that is just my opinion

Hey ummm why suki and Sokka tokka is way better

@Melvinsucks I don't really now I just never really saw them together just really good friends