normally, I'm the one to text my ex before he does, even though we ask each other, who'll text who first, and I tell him to text me first, he messaged me good morning , yesterday was unfortunately the day we broke up 8 years ago, and we meant to message each other, but we didn't, but besides the good morning he apologized for not calling yesterday. The day before that, when we were talking on call, I asked him, if we we're never forced to break up, would we still be together and he said definitely. I feel bad because when we broke up, we of course didn't talk, but I didn't realize how badly the outcome for him on our breakup would be, he said that many of his family would tease him and ask how is the wife? we were kids while they were asking this and he's gotten mad at them asking, and I asked if we were still together if he would have asked me to marry him, and he said that he would have...i've fallen in love with him once, and i'm falling all over again, while he's never fallen out of love for me, he's waited for me and I feel