1 breath. 1 second. 1 action. 1 life. You only get one chance to live. Once it’s gone it’s gone, you can’t just click the rewind button on a remote to restart. So stop worrying about your hair, your makeup, how you look, how you dress, how thick or skinny you are, how much you weigh. Stop thinking about what other think of you, how many likes you get on social media, if a boy/girl is interested in you. It’s not worth it. Don’t prioritize your life on how you look. Living life to the fullest isn’t just doing what you love and achieving goals. it’s loving yourself, living in the moment, spending time with your family/friends. It’s going you out and traveling, studying hard and enjoying school, laughing and smiling. That’s living. It’s to worship a wonderful God who sent His son down to save us from our sins. It’s sharing Gods word and sharing His love. That’s living life to the fullest. That’s living life. So stop worrying about others, stop talking down about yourself and anyone else, your perfect how you are. Your worthy of everyone’s love. So start living life to the fullest... ...Because you only live once. One breath. One second. One action. One life.

@7773Hope this was so nice! The part about God threw me off, otherwise it was super inspirational!