Apologies but I have to say these words I quit... If you are asking why I would do such a thing when I like this app so then I'll give that answer you see you every time I have ever taken a break is because of my health and how it is being affected by me being on here though by cutting down my usage of this app to pretty much a tenth of when I first started I can sense that if I don't do this the same thing will keep happening over and over again though I hate to be an inconvenience to you all but... I don't want back pain again I don't want headaches I don't my eyes hurting from staring at a screen I don't want pretty much every one of my limbs aching I know this will happen because I am slowly but surely just going back to my old routine I do hope to one day come back and laugh about it and point how stupid I was but I don't want this obsession of mine to come back and haunt me once again so bye but as I just said as long as i remember my time here this will not be permanent if I don't forget I will return and have a fresh start which is why no one can any longer read my books because well they quite frankly gone...


I’m sorry to hear that, you will be missed but I hope you recover.


          	  I hope you get healthier!


Sleep and dreams don’t come easy to people and thank god it doesn’t. When Anna Blythe decides to decode her dreams, she stumbles across crossing paths only to find out a truth she would rather not.


Where ever you are. I wish you have a nice day. Dont push yourselve too hard. Our future depend from what we choose today.Whatever you choose to act wish you never  regret it and learn from mistake. Keep growing to be a better version of yourself. 
          -from stranger you never meet. <3


Apologies but I have to say these words I quit... If you are asking why I would do such a thing when I like this app so then I'll give that answer you see you every time I have ever taken a break is because of my health and how it is being affected by me being on here though by cutting down my usage of this app to pretty much a tenth of when I first started I can sense that if I don't do this the same thing will keep happening over and over again though I hate to be an inconvenience to you all but... I don't want back pain again I don't want headaches I don't my eyes hurting from staring at a screen I don't want pretty much every one of my limbs aching I know this will happen because I am slowly but surely just going back to my old routine I do hope to one day come back and laugh about it and point how stupid I was but I don't want this obsession of mine to come back and haunt me once again so bye but as I just said as long as i remember my time here this will not be permanent if I don't forget I will return and have a fresh start which is why no one can any longer read my books because well they quite frankly gone...


I’m sorry to hear that, you will be missed but I hope you recover.


            I hope you get healthier!


For some reason now I'm regretting just casually saying that I'm British ever since I downloaded wattpad since I could have made it into  some big mystery and announced it.


So yeah it's actually quite easy.


But they wouldn't truly know also anyone could have just done that to disguise themselves it's really easy on the internet though I myself would never lie about being British.


@7D2XBG7 I don't know how much of a mystery it would have been since I don't know many people who say "telly" and other British slang. But of course I'm no where near the UK. Good thought though, 


Has anyone ever been in the middle of going to sleep got an idea for wattpad noted it down and then right as you were so close to just getting in bed you get another one and then when you actually going to sleep get two new ideas but discard them because your going to sleep then notice that you didn't fully change into your night stuff and had shirt with buttons which means that if that shirt gets pressed against something from the front side it's gonna be uncomfortable so get into a different position but then don't go to sleep so in the end you still had to sleep uncomfortably.


What story line?


@7D2XBG7 (ノಥ,_」ಥ)ノ彡┻━┻  me but then the idea im not using single of it bcos it not suit in story line


Right today I am very bored so what's better to cure my boredom then making a fool out of myself trying to say something inspirational
          food is like money it just tastes better when you share it with the people you love that's definitely gonna make me a laughing stock.