
Lol, 69. Nice


Me: I'm from Wisconsin
          Person: What's Wisconsin?
          Canadian friend: It means he's part country, part hood
          Me: No it doesn't-
          Person: Yee yee, bruh
          Me: ..
          Canadian friend: Stop, don't say that! He's going to rev up his truck then throw hands


@Crystal_Haruna they knew, lol, just meant what it was like, I guess


@7SincereSins Omg- Do they not know it's a state?


✨S P A R K L E✨


@Lady_Merlin_ I can't have too much dairy, so I'm with you there ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and I live in the f-ing dairy state. How does that make any sense? 


@7SincereSins If you remember or not I can't eat chocolate. Unfortunately. Even though I'm probably going to eat chocolate for my birthday. If chocolate takes me out of this world I'm going to go up to heaven and request to go down to Hell because I'm stupid. And C H O C O L A T E took me out


Created a brand new discord server meant for anime dweebs such as ourselves. Chat about any anime/manga, roleplay (sds based + ocs), use bots, hang with friends!
          If you're interested, add me on discord and send me a message. I'll redirect you to the server. (Sorry I hate using the links because they usually expire, lmao) 


I was gonna surprise y'all, but I decided I'm too lazy and I got work in the morning.. so, guess it'll have to wait til late tomorrow afternoon/evening. So y'all better pretend to act surprised when a little somethin' somethin' happens