
- Someone, and it doesn't matter who, lives my head as if it were an empty house, enters, goes out, shakes every door behind him and without a trick I endure this mess, someone, it may be me, hiding my most private thoughts in the palm of his hand wrinkled, throwing it in vain, someone, and it has been a long time, walking strutting inside the room, indifferent to me, standing meditating on ruin, someone, and no matter where, collecting shadow fragments and repeating them and throwing them to nothing


- Someone, and it doesn't matter who, lives my head as if it were an empty house, enters, goes out, shakes every door behind him and without a trick I endure this mess, someone, it may be me, hiding my most private thoughts in the palm of his hand wrinkled, throwing it in vain, someone, and it has been a long time, walking strutting inside the room, indifferent to me, standing meditating on ruin, someone, and no matter where, collecting shadow fragments and repeating them and throwing them to nothing


 — I've been bad from the beginning, from the first moment I saw the rays of light, and maybe I'll stay slow to the end, I'm full of mistakes, full of flaws, 
          If I realize that, leave me alone and don't hesitate, 
          Get away from me and leave me slowly.


— Behold, I suddenly found myself alone, I felt a sense of dread, life was unbearable, my life was split in two; On the one hand the past is associated with everything for which I have lived, and on the other side the unknown, in whose mirage I do not notice a single heartbeat, I am replacing it with the absentees, for which there is nothing left for this. New relationships ?! Just thinking about this raises panic in myself, this is how I felt for the first time that I do not have anything to replace it, and that I loved nothing else in this world, and that new love is not unthinkable, so it should be calculated.