Hi, idk if you're still active here but i was reading the cloned cactus fanfix with my sis and she made a drawing inspired by the story and would like to share with you cuz i think it looks funny and neat
Alright, I have an important announcement for the Cloning Cactus people: I am going to rewrite the ending, it is not good enough and I have deleted it because of that.
And for the sequel? I must think of another plot.
There are gonna be some new characters of my Sidlink fanfic! This is slowly becoming a romcom... Espcially with the addition of the second character. Or should I say, characterS.
Alright, people who are waiting for the Cloning Cactus Sequel
I would like to mention that sadly, I won't start writing the sequel until I finish my other fanfic, I Guess I Lost My Job?.
I'm also still figuring out things like the title and name. Name maybe (Date Fight). Cover though, not too sure. I figured the plot though! Well something like that.