I've been getting comments on my story with this person saying things that are untrue. I first wrote this book years ago now and have been getting attacked for no reason. The accusations are untrue and not right. They have been going on other people's Motley Crue stories and been saying the same things to them too on their stories. There are many Motley stories and obviously ALL stories are going to involve drug, drinking, sexual things and a bunch of Motley crew events told many ways.

@RobinSixxcrue81 This person 80sd0ll copied @coolliketre story called Wild Side. Go read Wild Side and you will see what I mean. 80sd0ll copied the girl band, the story line, even the scenes from Wild Side. When you're done reading Wild Side. You will say the story is exactly the same.

@RobinSixxcrue81 It is true. She's a biter. You copied the story from @coolliketre called Wild Side. She wrote hers first!!! You wrote yours after hers. I even told her that this person named 80sd0ll story is exactly like yours. I gurl I'll give you the chapters and you'll see fir yourself. You're a copycat. Come up with something original. You copied her story. Even the first chapter is the same. Deny all you want. You copied that story. And that's wrong.