
Hey Guys, it's been too long since I've even been on Wattpad. 
          	I have been busy... but I also haven't been feeling like I should write. I can't even write my actual book! 
          	No matter if I even try to force myself to write
          	For this reason, I understand that God has pulled me out from Wattpad and into a new life. 
          	So... I've had an amazing time here with you guys.
          	It's been a few great years of support, creativity... but most of all (the thing I will remember my Wattpad journey for) ... Transformation. 
          	I don't know what being on Wattpad has done for me, I honestly don't. 
          	Have I changed a life? 
          	Perhaps God used it as a way to see (when He entered my life) if I would give up what I thought love was, what I thought reality was... for the painful, but amazing truth. 
          	Yes, I am leaving Wattpad, but if there is a final lesson it would have to be... 
          	You don't have to understand s***t about something for it to be real.
          	Don't try to understand God, or His plan... He will always reveal it to you when the time is right and there is no use stressing about the future when only He can see it. 
          	Right now, I don't even know if God called me to be a writer like I thought He did.
          	For He is growing me in ways I never expected. 
          	So... my brother's and sister's... trust in the Lord for His provision, for His guidance, be patient and pray... don't try to understand... for He will reveal it all to you when the time is right. 
          	In God's will, in God's Way... 
          	I'd just like to say a prayer for you all... 
          	"Father God, You know the plans you have for our lives, plans to prosper and not to harm. Plans to give hope and provide a future... 
          	I pray, Father, that these beautiful people here on Wattpad... will be blessed by You, by those who You have called to spread Your Word on here, or even in real life. Lord... bless these lost souls, protect them, guide them and have them serve You in Your great Kingdom. Amen"
          	God bless you all... 
          	888Carina (12345Akemi) - Carina Guarrera 
          	OUT!  <3


Hey Guys, it's been too long since I've even been on Wattpad. 
          I have been busy... but I also haven't been feeling like I should write. I can't even write my actual book! 
          No matter if I even try to force myself to write
          For this reason, I understand that God has pulled me out from Wattpad and into a new life. 
          So... I've had an amazing time here with you guys.
          It's been a few great years of support, creativity... but most of all (the thing I will remember my Wattpad journey for) ... Transformation. 
          I don't know what being on Wattpad has done for me, I honestly don't. 
          Have I changed a life? 
          Perhaps God used it as a way to see (when He entered my life) if I would give up what I thought love was, what I thought reality was... for the painful, but amazing truth. 
          Yes, I am leaving Wattpad, but if there is a final lesson it would have to be... 
          You don't have to understand s***t about something for it to be real.
          Don't try to understand God, or His plan... He will always reveal it to you when the time is right and there is no use stressing about the future when only He can see it. 
          Right now, I don't even know if God called me to be a writer like I thought He did.
          For He is growing me in ways I never expected. 
          So... my brother's and sister's... trust in the Lord for His provision, for His guidance, be patient and pray... don't try to understand... for He will reveal it all to you when the time is right. 
          In God's will, in God's Way... 
          I'd just like to say a prayer for you all... 
          "Father God, You know the plans you have for our lives, plans to prosper and not to harm. Plans to give hope and provide a future... 
          I pray, Father, that these beautiful people here on Wattpad... will be blessed by You, by those who You have called to spread Your Word on here, or even in real life. Lord... bless these lost souls, protect them, guide them and have them serve You in Your great Kingdom. Amen"
          God bless you all... 
          888Carina (12345Akemi) - Carina Guarrera 
          OUT!  <3


Hey guys, I edited some more chapters for Spiritual Perspective... and, I've decided that I won't JUST be posting on Sundays, but whenever I get the chance to. 
          So... I'll be posting some chapters in the next few minutes. 
          I just wanted to thank you all for being supportive. My account has had a RADICAL change since coming to Christ and I just want to say thank you (and God, of course) for your support. 
          I don't know if God has helped me change any lives... but, then again, there could be that one person God wanted to reach through me... and I would never know about the miracles that have happened in their life. 
          All in God's will... I pray that you all have a lovely day/night. 
          God bless you guys <3


Hey all, I know it's been a few weeks since I've spoken to you guys... sorry about that.
          As some of you may know, God has blessed my family with a company in Thailand called the Creative Arts Program, where we teach kids (and adults) Art and music. 
          In just a single month, this company has gained over 20 students! 
          Praise the Lord! 
          I am usually busy from 8:30 in the morning 'till 3:30 in the afternoon, Monday to Friday. So... as you can guess... I am pretty swamped with work... 
          I have been trying to edit Spiritual Perspective, but when it is finished, I will publish it for you guys. 
          Thank you guys for all your support, God bless you all. 
          Love ya!


@888Carina I wish you all the best!


 Hey all, I am thinking about discontinuing Spiritual Perspective and starting a book about my own, personal experiences with Christ, as well as another book about explanations for Bible Stories that many people don't know the truth about. 
          Of course, I don't want this to be MY decision, but God's... so please pray for God to give me an answer. 
          Thanks you guys. 
          Love ya!!!


So guys, turns out that I might not be able to post every Sunday. If I can, then great... but since God's great blessing for my family, I have been super busy with maintaining the job which God has given us.
          I will work on Spiritual Perspective every time I get the chance, but I will not stress... for if it is the Lord's will, then He will help me to post encouraging stories for you all. 
          Love you Lots, guys! 
          May the Lord's peace be with you!