
The Silence - a new poem by the BadBunny you open-mic poets might find relatable. Put the World on ‘mute’ a moment and give this one a read: https://www.wattpad.com/836002505-neural-fuzz-the-silence
          	And as always, leave a comment, say ‘hi’ or finger-punch a star for me if ya likes it! - 8BB8


Good moments.
          I’ve brought a tale and characters to life and would like to show them to you, because while I can do naught but give them life, I need you to make them truly alive. The tale is just beginning with three chapters and it’s long, its captivating and it’s... beautiful.


After a long hiatus, I would like to welcome myself back to wattpad. Great to be in the company once again of so many talented writers. Please lend your eyes to my latest poem: “little hands.” https://www.wattpad.com/785395970-neural-fuzz-little-hands


Found them! And shall bring them over promptly.. xD


Aww...cheers mates!