
Chapter 6 of Forgotten is now up! Only one more chapter left of this story now.


Hello! So sorry for being so forgetful and lazy with updates. I'm kinda going through some big changes in my schedule and stressed with uni (I just started with my Master Thesis) and work so I can't seem to be able to focus on anything right now. I can't even write or think clearly about my plots. Basically suffering from a huge writer's block :(
          I will see you again hopefully soon and fingers crossed for my block to be finally lifted. I have so much work to do and so many things I want to write. I really hope you guys still be around when I get to publish them. I know Karamel is all but gone from the canon and every day fewer people seem to hang out here - both readers and writers - but I'm far from done with writing for my true OTP.
          Take care and peace out <3


This is a oneshot that had been going around my mind since the long awaiting episode 16 aired. Red Daughter turned out to be completely different from what I and many others expected. I found myself getting so protective of her and very heartbroken over how people are just feeding her lies to do their dirty work for them and Lex went as far as taking away the only thing she loved in this world. A boy named Mikhail. This piece is about how important Mikhail and his family were to Red Daughter while surrounded by only strict military men.
          I dedicate this work to @RedDaughterKara on twitter, our Queen Red Daughter cheerleader <3