hi so i haven’t really spoken up about what’s happening. i’ve been singing petitions and if i could i would’ve gone to the protest in my country but my mom doesn’t allow me unfortunately.
if you go protesting please be safe. if you’re white, use your privilege to black people their advantage, help them, stand with them, protect them. make sure you’re safe and everyone around you is too. use your voice.
stay strong and make yourself known.
if you believe in basic human rights, sign petitions, donate (if you can, not donating is also good.) educate yourself and the people around you. educate your parents and friends, make conversation about this topic. don’t ignore it bc it isn’t in your country so it doesn’t concern you.
racism is a world wide thing.
black lives matter.
saying all lives matter is like giving 5 children a bandaid while one has a scraped knee.
black lives matter
all lives don’t matter until black lives matter.
be safe and stay healthy.