
@965musiclover how are you doing, love? Sorry I've been so absent, jeez, school has been whooping my butt and I totally forgot you even responded to me a while ago and I forgot what you said, so, new conversation time I guess lol. But anyways:
          How are you? How is life? Anything exciting going on? 


@PaintingRosesRed hey I'm doing great doing nothing but working I'm so glad its summer its hot here in Georgia. all of my friends I grew up with graduated this year. I'm excited about going to six flags with my friends and me and my mom going to panama city my brother will be there he'll just be at camp with the youth group while me and my mom are there to relax. oh and I'm going to Dragoncon this September I'm actually going to volunteer :) oh and also looking into what colleges I would like to attend. what about you how's your summer looking is I hot up there yet??


@965musiclover you're awesome and we should talk more sometime ^.^ (if you want to of course lol)
          Night! (Or good day, depending on where you are in the world.)


@PaintingRosesRed you could get you GED and still go to college because if you score high enough on those test your GPA could turn into a 4.0. a friend of mine dropped out (she didn't really have a choice) and got her GED she did amazing on the test it wasn't hard for her to get into college because she had a great GPA score


@965musiclover yeah, people are just rude and I'm just done with them. If I could, I would drop out and get my GED, honestly, but I want to go to college I just don't want to be in Highschool. But it's whatever. I have a lot of family members in the military; the only branch we don't cover is the Air Force, I do believe lol


@PaintingRosesRed haha lol I feel asleep to so no worries. that's why my brother did online school too people use to bully them and the teacher would do nothing about it. but my brother could never pay attention in school or do the school work so he ended up dropping out and taking the GED he wants to go in to the air force.