
Hello everyone!
          	It's been a while since I've been here, but it was time to come back.
          	I wanted to tell you that I have been suffering from writer's block for a long time. I didn't feel like writing, even though I had a lot of ideas in my head. But, I don't know why, yesterday I picked it up again and managed to finish the first chapter of the second part of "Beating the odds."
          	I think I'm going to continue writing the story, but I don't know when I'll finish writing the next chapter.
          	Therefore, I wanted to ask you one thing: Would you like to have 3x01 now or would you prefer to continue waiting until the entire third season is finished?
          	I do what you tell me.
          	Thank you very much for continuing to read my stories and supporting me.


@97crazyfangirl Honestly whatever you can do, I do not want you to overwork but season 3 WOULD BE AMAZINGLY GREAT!!


Oi oi! Tudo bem? Desculpa incomodar, mas você poderia ir ler uma fanfic que estou fazendo das yuyeon? Se chama "vinte cinco, vinte quatro" e conta sobre a história de Yuqi, uma menina que sempre quis ser cantora, mas acaba tendo vários desafios pela frente por conta de uma crise financeira e Soyeon, que acabou falindo na crise. No meio de todos estes problemas, elas se encontram e descobrem o que é amor de verdade.


Hello everyone!
          It's been a while since I've been here, but it was time to come back.
          I wanted to tell you that I have been suffering from writer's block for a long time. I didn't feel like writing, even though I had a lot of ideas in my head. But, I don't know why, yesterday I picked it up again and managed to finish the first chapter of the second part of "Beating the odds."
          I think I'm going to continue writing the story, but I don't know when I'll finish writing the next chapter.
          Therefore, I wanted to ask you one thing: Would you like to have 3x01 now or would you prefer to continue waiting until the entire third season is finished?
          I do what you tell me.
          Thank you very much for continuing to read my stories and supporting me.


@97crazyfangirl Honestly whatever you can do, I do not want you to overwork but season 3 WOULD BE AMAZINGLY GREAT!!


Todxs supongo que habéis leído que Soojin está de vuelta. Y yo tenía un fic SOOSHU parado desde hace 2 años, por cuestiones obvias. Lo acabo y lo subo? Qué opináis?


@ XAAK01  ahí está el prólogo. Espero que os guste 


@ 97crazyfangirl  por favor y gracias 


@ fairylostinmars  ya está fuera el prólogo. Disfrútalo 