
Well hello! So a lot has happened since I ladt posted anything on here. After a whopping 2 years? 1 and a half? Either way I have decided to post some fanfiction stories up here. I'm still writing orignal fiction as well but for the time being I'll only post fanfiction on wattpad.


Well hello! So a lot has happened since I ladt posted anything on here. After a whopping 2 years? 1 and a half? Either way I have decided to post some fanfiction stories up here. I'm still writing orignal fiction as well but for the time being I'll only post fanfiction on wattpad.


Well hello! So a lot has happened since I ladt posted anything on here. After a whopping 2 years? 1 and a half? Either way I have decided to post some fanfiction stories up here. I'm still writing orignal fiction as well but for the time being I'll only post fanfiction on wattpad.


Rewritten chapter 2 of "people like us" is up. I honestly couldn't even focus on my homework until I posted SOMETHING. So I sat and typed for 4 hours and now  I must be off to finish my homework gonna  e exhausted tomorrow but it's worth it.  
          P.S I think it's the longest chapter I've ever posted on Wattpad.  :)


The rewritten chapter 1 of People Like Us is up. It starts off somewhat similar to the other one but veers off pretty quickly. The stories isn't going to be different but I'm adding a lot more depth to the plot. Thank you for being patient with me. Let me know if you like it.


rewrote the prologue for people like us for the last time I'm  working on chapter 1 today and chapter 2 on Thursday. I don't plan on double posting every week just getting back into the feel of this story. Thanks for being patient with me.


I really wanted to finish chapter 9 tonight but after the day i have had i am far to furious to write without it coming out to pessimistic a lot of thought has gone into this chapter from the very beginning  and i really do not want to mess this up because of how angry i am with people by taking it out on my characters. i am very sorry for the wait on the bright side its summer so my schedule is gradually opening up a little more i will be able to write a chapter for each story once a week. in the mean time keep an eye on my tumblr (cynicslalaland) follow me vote comment message and all that good stuff. peace, love, and ingenuity. and a personal cheers to anyone whos ever made the climb back up.