I've finally updated Stars Under Spotlights (I did about 2 days ago) yet am receiving a major lack of interaction and feedback which disheartens me. Have I lost loyal readers because I didn't update in a while? It's sad to see since when I used to update I'd get many votes and comments very soon, even if the chapter was short, but I have released 2 chapters, a QnA section and an era transition chapter yet on received on average 25 reads and 1 vote per section. Your feedback is what encourages me to write, so it is a shame to see none at all. I was so excitedly awaiting the reactions from readers who I used to see in my notifications all the time when I returned, but I have seen none. I was so excited to start this Sub Rosa era, which will be the best era yet, but it seems as if I'm the only one left with such excitement. I ask, please, do not be a ghost reader, I prefer spam over empty notifications. I wish to receive interaction before progressing into Sub Rosa as it is an era which will take a lot of my time since I have to make sure that each chapter is perfectly portrayed so that there is no misunderstanding about the plot which is already difficult to understand as I am not only announcing many new characters, but new bonds and topics. I'm sorry to complain about this. -Kaeden aka 9RACHA
@9RACHA I'm sorry you feel like that :(. Ive only ever read your oneshot book and I can assure you i really like that one. I will do my best to support your other stories and books in general. I gladly except the challenge to spam lol. Don't get too discouraged!