
Hi guys, sorry to tell you this but white eyes will be removed for some time, I don't know how long it will take, but it will pass for another revision and correction!


@A-L-G-CostaEN okay! Take your time- I still support your story so much! Thank you for caring so much about your readers and taking your time to make the best story you can!


Hi guys, sorry to tell you this but white eyes will be removed for some time, I don't know how long it will take, but it will pass for another revision and correction!


@A-L-G-CostaEN okay! Take your time- I still support your story so much! Thank you for caring so much about your readers and taking your time to make the best story you can!


Hello! I miss you so much lol I took a break from Wattpad after they deleted Private Chat but omg I miss your story! I cant wait to get back into reading it I miss the plot so muchhhh and I bet what you've been doing while I was gone is amazing! I still remember how great you are at writing and I have a lot of comments to leave still! Just know im still in support of your book and im missing every bit of it! Once I read the chapters I missed im totally re-reading and leaving more comments because your so amazing!  


@KiyaRiver Thank you soo much, i truly undestand how hard is being now!


Hi guys! How are you? Sorry for being a little distante of wattpad, but I’m in the middle of a lot of things for university, anyway… I came here to let you know that white eyes ended this Friday! I hope you loved as much as I loved! Thank you for being present during the way!