
Things in my life have honestly not improved much (they have gotten worse, amen). Prey might be on hiatus for a little longer, but I will try to get out what I can get out. Also, happy Halloween. (It is my favorite holiday, and I am extending this favor unto all of you, if it is the last thing I do. Your continued support means everything to me.)


@A-Lusk I'm late but take care of yourself! We love you!


@A-Lusk of course lusk we may be dramatic at times but the main focus is your health. No matter how much I love your stories. Your personal life and happiness is far more important. I wish you all the luck with whatever’s going on and I hope your okay.


Is this a version of the AO3 curse? I hope to read prey you got good stories but prey is amazing 


          HI WKDKD I'm such a big fan of all your books, I usually avoid commenting on them because I get so caught up in reading that it's impossible for me to concentrate on comments AAAA 
          Surely now that I've read them I'll read them again to leave comments and more love on them :D
          also,,,, I hope you have a nice day wherever you are!! Take care of yourself, especially your mental health. When you feel well enough to continue with your work, then all of us who read your works will be here! and don't feel pressured despite so many comments, your health is more important  <33


this message may be offensive
Hey hang in there, things definitely will be bad for quite some time. But believe me when i say once you slowly get better and start having more control back over life, it will start to spiral. Things might be shit for a few days, years maybe. But once your out and better it gives you experience on how to avoid or better manage things in the future. Sad advice yeh…but something think more people need. Life is worth fighting for, even if not for big things, try finding every little thing past, present, and future that you can hold onto and say is yours, your reasons to keep fighting.


Get well soon A-Lusk! I know things might be hard in recent times,but please don't feel too pressured to finish any of your stories if you mentally/physically can't do it or concentrate. I might just be someone random to you and we might not know each other but your writing has truly helped me forget about my life and I thank you for that. I know you probably won't even see this, so I won't get my hopes up. If you do see this, please don't try to push yourself over the edge just to please your readers. Take your time to heal, no matter how long it takes. I'll always be here waiting patiently, no matter how long it takes. And don't forget to take care of yourself!


I appreciate this, but I just like writing. I want to do it when I’m in good health and in poor health. I don’t want “life” to stop me lol. Thank you for being so patient. 


I wish you the best of luck and I hope that you feel better soon! I have to say your writing is absolutely amazing and I'll be looking forward to any future chapters but please, please, please take time for yourself and take care of yourself. We will all continue to support you!