
Yay! People are still alive…ish. ;-; Sorry, I was worried when no one responded to my last message- ;-; Anyways, how are you guys? ouo
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Yay! People are still alive…ish. ;-; Sorry, I was worried when no one responded to my last message- ;-; Anyways, how are you guys? ouo
Yay! People are still alive…ish. ;-; Sorry, I was worried when no one responded to my last message- ;-; Anyways, how are you guys? ouo
Hey everyone. I’m back and barely awake rn, but I just felt the need to say that I’m back again. I just re-read TRUST [REWRITE] and I would like some criticism and opinions on it. If there is a massive problem with it, I might remake it AGAIN but with a better plot, OC (Mystery is too op. -.-) and detailed writing. I’ve been thinking of doing this but I was also caught up with assessments so. yeah. ;-; Anyways, I’m back and somehow breathing. Feel free to chat with me whenever you want and need. ^^ P.S- I just cringed the entire time (reading TRUST), why was I so sensitive and idiotic when I was a young child. ;W;
kojihubvlhkkh, Kinda embarassing to ask but, Hey, are you alright?- You haven't spoken on here much since Jan, and I'm getting kinda worried, of course if you left Wattpad or something, that's alright, I just wanted to know if you were doing well? jiweohbfvijhuvg
@A-Mystery1010 o, Thanks for asking, I'm doing fine, Lol It's good to see you back though!
Sasha! You’re here! *hug* Yes, everything has been doing well but…unfortunately, I can never be ‘100%’. I’m out of hospital and walking, breathing…I think and speaking so, that’s good. ^^ Anyways, how are you? I haven’t talked to you in…forever. ;n;
Heya everyone, quick question before I release a chapter in a few days! I’m thinking of starting a Gacha + Animation YouTube channel! Is there anything that would be nice to know before I start? For example, animation tricks, copyright and more? It would help and mean a lot to me! Thanks everyone for the support and patience up until now! Love you guys!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you! >^< I’ve been practicing animation, so I should be fine! Thank you for the tips! T^T ❤️❤️❤️❤️
@A-Mystery1010 Hmm- I started as a Gacha channel, but I dislike the community now- Not trying to pull you down though. For Animation, I'd say that you shouldn't underestimate how hard it is, it can be VERY challenging. For Mobile, I don't know many apps, but you can use Flipaclip well. For PC, Krita would be pretty good for a free app. For Gacha- All I have to say is that you might want to edit a bit? I don't know, I just personally don't like it when a Gachatuber who doesn't put that much effort in their videos blows up. Good luck with your channel though.
I’m still waiting for it to be done...it’s been too long and yet I haven’t finished all of them yet... ... ...good news, I’ll be fully online everyday and updating the book every few weeks, when it’s the school break for me. Apparently I’ll be in this healing stage and stuff. For now, I have to wait...I’m so, so sorry everyone. I wish I could do so much more.
@Sashagamerplayz Alright...thanks you Sash!... >^< I’ll keep that in mind...Heheheheh, I hope you’re doing well too. I’m on your Discord and subbed to your channel, so I can see how you’re doing! Anyways, thanks Sash for being there for me...it really means so much more than you think it does. Take care and stay safe! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@A-Mystery1010 Mystery, you should seriously stop doubting yourself so much. I don't care if it takes a year for the next chapter, the well being of the author is much more important!
I’ll be away for a while.... Found out that I might have a disease. So I need to take more tests to find out if I do, what disease and if it’s fatal... ...see ya...
@Sashagamerplayz Thanks so much...It helps a lot. I’ll the test done and I’ll tell you. I’ve been watching your videos on YouTube too- I fell in love with the Pusher Meme Edit- ;w; Stay safe and good luck on your channel. I’ll keep watching you videos- ^^
I feel like *shoot* and I only did three chapters... . . . . . . NOOOOOOOO! T^T I up to the fourth damn one, but I didn’t want you guys waiting, since school is about to start soon! Sooooo, see ya in the next Trust [REWRITE] chapter- . . . T^T
Almost...finished...the...5...chapters...QwQ AHHHHHH- I NEED TO FINISH THESE GOD DAMMIT, IM SO SORRY FOR THE DAMN WAIT HHhhHhHhHh-! ;O; Q^Q
It’s so hard to write with the IV’s stuck into your arms- @-@‘ What I mean to say is that I’m working on TRUST [RE-WRITE], and really close to publishing the 4-5 chapters- ^^ Are you guys proud of me- >w<!
@A-Mystery1010 For what you're going through, your doing really well! I can't even finish a proper chapter, even when I'm not sick. :') But keep up your determination!
@Salty_Sasha I’m not- -,3,- I’m trying to speed up the ‘chapter making’ but I either pass out from the medicine from the IV’s or the doctors need me to do something- ;-; I’m sorry- >,~,<
Heya! Just here to say that I’m still alive- -,3,-‘ How are you guys holding up? If anything’s bothering you, you can chat with me! I’m more than open to help anyone! If not, then I hope it continues to be like that! ^^ Stay safe everyone!!! ❤️❤️❤️
@Salty_Sasha Oooo! Good luck! ^^ I gtg now...the docs need to check up on me! It isn’t looking good so far... Anyways! Will we be able to talk tommorow? :3
I, Myself, am making a book. I won't spill too much, but it does have something to do with first-person and Goth. ( Goth is not the main character, just to clarify- I don't wanna upset people that much- XD )
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