UPDATE ON ME AND MY WRITING (Warning, this may be infuriating and I'm really sorry!): First of all, I think I'm done publishing Team Crafted stuff. Just don't care for the fandom anymore. I'm not as invested in it and it's gotten old. Secondly, I'm considering moving onto what I'm into, such as Sherlock, Homestuck, Achievement Hunter, Hetalia, and maybe others. I will be starting a new oneshots book for these things, and maybe new stories once I can get more inspiration. I still have a writer's block, which I know is ridiculous because I've had it throughout summer as well, but please bear with me. Anyways, thought I'd stop stalling doing this and actually tell you what I'm up to. Any replies on this is welcome, I'd love to know what you guys think. And yeah, that's all I have to say! :D