Hey everyone! For some reason I'm so motivated to start a new project of mine! Danmachi! I hope some of my lovely readers who like Danmachi will check it out. I posted the first three chapters as a test to see the feedback.
hey i wanted to ask first love how the story goes and will in the futurwe sigrid will she join freya if so make it i love it in some way second do you like it bleach because i had eh ideas for OC it could go and eh love interersted be eh girl what do you think sorry for being noise in your story
@ Iceprince234x Astraea familia fell but Astreae didn't go back to heaven just outside of orario and even create a new Astraea familia.
And for the first question: No. They will survives .
love your work the stories love them i want to ask if you have seing Fairy Tail and if you would write eh story with eh OC stil love your stoires good work