
este mensaje puede ser ofensivo
Gahhh ok, not that I think any of you guys read these hahah butttt life has been hella hectic so I’m hoping that in the next few months I can start getting back on a routine fingers crossed. I’m starting another new job (so annoying) trying to figure out if I can get back to doing what I was doing where I had a schedule that included me having time to write but y’all know how crazy living is right now! It’s bananas! But anyway we don’t want all the heavy shit. 
          	SO my point was that today I started jotting down a ton of ideas and making my outline for a book that is going to be part of another one that I started on Wattpad. I’m going to try to get back into writing the chapters for all of the ones listed on here to give some of you readers updates for your fav characters or just keep going with the stories so you know where they go and then hopefully get the paperbacks out for all the ones posted on Amazon. I feel like I need a freaking assistant for my daily life to keep me on schedule with everything my goodness. Or maybe just someone to pay all my bills?  hahah 
          	Guna really try hard to get at least one chapter out by the end of this week so fingers crossed, I can’t even tell you which story it would be for bc it just depends on how I’m feeling. I hope you all have had wonderful holidays and I wish you all a blessed new year filled with lots of love, happiness and health! 
          	Xo -A


este mensaje puede ser ofensivo
Gahhh ok, not that I think any of you guys read these hahah butttt life has been hella hectic so I’m hoping that in the next few months I can start getting back on a routine fingers crossed. I’m starting another new job (so annoying) trying to figure out if I can get back to doing what I was doing where I had a schedule that included me having time to write but y’all know how crazy living is right now! It’s bananas! But anyway we don’t want all the heavy shit. 
          SO my point was that today I started jotting down a ton of ideas and making my outline for a book that is going to be part of another one that I started on Wattpad. I’m going to try to get back into writing the chapters for all of the ones listed on here to give some of you readers updates for your fav characters or just keep going with the stories so you know where they go and then hopefully get the paperbacks out for all the ones posted on Amazon. I feel like I need a freaking assistant for my daily life to keep me on schedule with everything my goodness. Or maybe just someone to pay all my bills?  hahah 
          Guna really try hard to get at least one chapter out by the end of this week so fingers crossed, I can’t even tell you which story it would be for bc it just depends on how I’m feeling. I hope you all have had wonderful holidays and I wish you all a blessed new year filled with lots of love, happiness and health! 
          Xo -A


Penalty is up for preorder and will be available on Halloween!!!!! I'm so excited to hear what you think! I've changed a bit from the wattpad version but not too much. There's an epilogue that felt so true to the characters to me. A part of me feels like I should've went into way more detail with it butttt I also like to leave certain things open ended so people can make their own opinions and stories based on the characters. Also I figured I might do two epilogues in Theo and Teagan's story sooo that might give a little extra for the whole groups story....or I could potentially do a holiday book for them. Don't mind me, just thoughts running through my head as I'm writing this. 
          Anyway!!!! If you're super excited about PENALTY and want the link for the preorder here it is: https://a.co/d/f3qNTkr
          Hope everyone is having a wonderful day! I am going to start getting back into writing so be on the lookout for new chapters :) XO-A


Halfway through editing Penalty (formally Forbidden) and I've added/changed so much that there's now 10 extra pages and I haven't even finished or added the epilogue hahah I've been sick lately and lacking motivation so I'm very behind and I know I haven't gotten any new chapters out but hopefully I will be able to get some out soon. Penalty is up live on Halloween so for all my loveys who are interested I hope you enjoy that halloween treat haha. In November I should be able to get back to my schedule of weekly chapters.


To my OG’s you will be happy to hear that I started editing PENALIZED again! (Formerly forbidden) I am halfway through with it and completed the playlist :) I am trying my hardest to get it out sooner rather than later for you guys and making it available on both Amazon AND Barnes and nobles! Fingers crossed! If you follow me on other social media you know I’ve had some health scares and problems lately so it’s been holding me back some but I’m trying to adjust and get back into everything. This week I’m hoping to get some more editing done and some chapters out to you guys! 
          I’m currently trying to focus on the 3 books: 
          Just friends
          The 5crew 
          Off limits 
          Looking forward to hearing your feedback :)


Yayyyy first chapter for JUST FRIENDS is up now! I'm going to try to get a chapter for one of the other books up within the next few days hopefully, If you have anything in particular you are dying to read the next chapter for please let me know, maybe that'll motivate me to get to it hahaha I'm thinking of writing a chapter for either the unexpected or 5 crew next but I know some of you are dying for Off Limits. I still need to edit Penalized (I feel like I'm moving so slow I'm sorry) so when I edit another chapter for that then I'll probably write a chapter for Off Limits. I know that direction I want to go with that but since it's a series I have to try to make sure it flows with the rest.
          Hope you have a wonderful night and enjoy reading! Can't wait to read your comments :)


Coming out of my funkkkk so let’s celebrate! I began editing penalized again and I’m hoping to have it on Amazon by the end of the summer, I’m so sorry for everyone who has been dying for it’s because I know how much you guys loved it and wanted to read the epilogue and playlist. I have changed a few things so I’m excited to see what you think of it when it does come out!! July is going to be a crazy hectic month for me so I’m looking to have it out by August/September but if not by then then DEFINITELY for Halloween!
          But you’ll be excited to know that I started outlining what I’m going to do with Teagan and Theo’s book and if you love a fake dating trope you’re in for a fun one :p they all pretty much had moments where they pretended to date for a chapter or two in certain circumstances but this one is going to be mainly about that. 
          AND I just started writing a new book called JUST FRIENDS which I’m hoping to have the first chapter out by the end of this week for you! I’m so looking forward to writing this one. I just finished the cover and I’m so excited!
          All my OG’s know I have so many books I’ve started and haven’t gotten around to finishing and I’m sorry for that, my brain works chaotically and this year has been a whirlwind of lows for me but I’m trying my best to turn everything around and get back to it so I can get more books out for you! I’m going to try to get back on my schedule of doing 2-3 chapters a week, I’m not sure for which books so it might be sporadic but at least there will be new content. 
          I wish you all the best and thank you so much for keeping me going and checking in!
          Xoxo -A


Finally feeling motivated! Guess it only took me falling down the stairs  hahah I’m currently watching dune, folding laundry and waiting for my kiddo to get home from school but I plan to fill out some more job applications bc yes life has been that hard and sales have been that low lately :( but thennnnnn I’m hoping to write a chapter for at least two of the books I have up so far so fingers crossed I stay motivated!!!! All my mamas out there know how stressful the day can be haha hope everyone’s having a wonderful day!


I hope you are okay!