Y'all it's 12:30 at night who wants to tell me if I should write a Y/N book
If so, pick from these, or pick several if they work with each other:
-Male Y/N
-Trans Y/N (MtF, FtM, enby, or whatever you want within this category)
- Y/N slander (so I can make fun of it)
-Yandere Y/N (I bet I could do something interesting with that, but if you don't want me to do it, that's fine, pick something else)
- R e a l i s t i c Y/N
-Disabled Y/N
- (realistic) Depressed Y/N (Falls under disabled Y/N but whatever)
-Fantasy Y/N (set in a fantasy world where Y/N also has fantastical traits)
-Something else?
Thanks :) (and no I will not sleep)