
this message may be offensive
Im actuall likle a shit writer the only things that i can actually write is mentally unstable poems. so yeah.


Hey guys, I uploaded some more of Daisy. Check it out if you want it is not edited yet, so sorry about all the spelling mistakes. leave a comment on how you think it is going and if you want to read more I guess?


Direct message me if you want i am always happy to help others out even tho I might not know that much myself.


hey guys, if anyone even cares just wanted to let you all know that I have written up to chapter 10 of Daisy but I don't know if I want to post it. give me your thoughts on this. :) It just feels like nobody wants to read it and there is no point really wasting my time by trying to upload more.  If you are interested in it pleas say so and I will try to keep and updated chapter each week which might be difficult due to end-of-year exams.


hey guys sorry for not being on for a while I have been very busy with school and family drama but I'm back now.


thank you to all the people that have helped me and given me ideas and sugestions to make my book better.
            THANK YOU TO:
            and everyone else the help is much appriciated 
            p.s If i have fogoten your name I am sorry.


If you have any name sugestions and want me to add your name to my book dm me and i will happily add your name and you can tell me what personality you would like.


Does anyone have any ideas for my book----------   WHY ME?
          have a read, give some feedback, tell me what you think and don't forget to vote!
          If you have any ideas of scenes that you would like to see in the book give me a message of your ideas. 
          I am also starting another book because I am stuck on this one if annyone has any ideas for something new id love to hear it.


Hi, Thank you for following my profile. I can't wait to check out your book!! It seems amazing!! 
          I hope you can find the time to read my Book Anna. And as always, your votes and comments would be greatly appreciated. 
          Have a kick ass day!!


@A10567 Thank you, it would mean the world to me!


@TellieFourie Thank you! I will check out your book too. <3