
Hi dear . Just wrote my first general fiction with a pinch of dark romance yet a dedicated love . Do give it a try and let me know about your thoughts in the comments 
          I will really be grateful if you kindly give a shout-out from your side because this is the 3rd time I’m trying yet not able to reach the audience…. Uughhh 


Hey! Hope you're doing well. I'm sorry for spamming on your wall. I'm writting an Indian Royal romance story nowadays. If you're interested into Indian stories, you can check my story. I hope you will like it :)
          Here's the link to my story:



          Hope you're doing great. 
          If you're accepting reading requests, then do checkout my new story, We're Meant to be Together.
          Your votes and comments would be highly appreciable. 
          Thank you and sorry for taking your time. 


Hey... Hii... 
          Thanks for following me gha.... That means alot to me... 
          If time permits please do check out my stories and give your valuable thoughts and views on them that would surely put up a smile on my face and makes my day... 
          Happy Reading
          Thank you❤❤❤