Lusterrdust, I have to say, I am very much impressed with your work on "Ranger of the Woods" and its sequel. Your writing is very good. I know this may seem sudden, but I am Mara's Personal Assistant, of the Skyrim Romance Team. I have followed your writing for a while now, your Skyrim Romance fan fictions are superb. The writing really conveys feeling and gets me enthralled in the story. I imagine you know about the release of Skyrim Romance 3.0. Well, since we finished that, we - The Skyrim Romance Team - are working on Forbidden Love, Cael's Romance story. We have been looking for writers, artist, voice actors, etc. And I think you would be a great fit. I'm going to put a good word in for you with Mara, since I have been wanting to show her your work. If you're interested in trying out for the Forbidden Love Writing Team, contract me on the Skyrim Romance website: I'm known as "Eboni" on the site and would love to chat to you about you auditioning! Send me a private massage and I'll get back to you soon, I visit the site everyday. If you do not wish to try out, I understand. I don't want to get in the way of your beautiful writing. I hope to hear from you, it would be a shame not to.