Hey everybody. It’s been a while since I’ve been on here, and since then, I’ve changed a lot. I’ve grown, and I’ve become a better version of myself. I’ve come a long way, and I’m proud of myself. I’m sorry to have left you all wondering where I went, but I thank you all for actually caring about me and asking me if I was okay while I was away. I will not use this account anymore, so I probably will not see your messages if you answer this. Just know I am alive and well, better than I ever thought I would be, and I hope you are too, wherever you are, reading this. Goodbye 


Hey everybody. It’s been a while since I’ve been on here, and since then, I’ve changed a lot. I’ve grown, and I’ve become a better version of myself. I’ve come a long way, and I’m proud of myself. I’m sorry to have left you all wondering where I went, but I thank you all for actually caring about me and asking me if I was okay while I was away. I will not use this account anymore, so I probably will not see your messages if you answer this. Just know I am alive and well, better than I ever thought I would be, and I hope you are too, wherever you are, reading this. Goodbye 


Life is shitty and I'm tired pretending I'm fine. I wish I were. That's mostly why I want to be a therapist or psychologist. I want to get people the help I know I'll never get :')


            tysm your so sweet <333


            Thank you so much <33


this message may be offensive
So my dad just gave me a lecture, acting like being trans was a choice. I explained to him that gender dysphoria was real, but he didn't fucking care. He said people "did it at will." Then he mocked trans people. He said, "I'm a woman btw. No, wait, I'm a cat. Meow." 
          He's a Christian. In the Bible it says to love everyone, and God is love. This man straight up disobeying God, wtf-
          I AM PISSED


@ACEBXN I'm bi I didn't find anyone yet whos homophobic or Transmophobic




Not me going to a sport's physical and the nurse lady asking my sister her gender, so I was nervous, and when it was my turn, the lady asked if I was okay, and when I told her I was questioning my gender, she said she wouldn't ask those questions if I wasn't comfortable, and when she left, my mother gave me a lecture about my gender being female, because my sex is female, and that there are only 2 genders :')


@-STRAWB3RRYFR0G- that b- my nurse doesn't do that- i think in my school we don't even have a nurse qwq.


@-STRAWB3RRYFR0G- me who thinks im non binary and whos dad is like this.... i feel you bro