
I posted the teaser trailer for In My Head audiobook edition! Here's the link! Please like, share, and comment, show me some love! It's best watched on your phone! If you like what you hear, you can sign up for the audible ARC on my website; there's a link in my bio! All I ask is that you commit to posting a review in exchange for the FREE copy of the ARC. Come on people, make my day and sign up on my website.


I posted the teaser trailer for In My Head audiobook edition! Here's the link! Please like, share, and comment, show me some love! It's best watched on your phone! If you like what you hear, you can sign up for the audible ARC on my website; there's a link in my bio! All I ask is that you commit to posting a review in exchange for the FREE copy of the ARC. Come on people, make my day and sign up on my website.


Anyone reading Fragments of Alchemy, The Code Giver? I am trying to decide on my timeline for releasing it. The book is all done, but it's also already on pre-order on Amazon. So I can't release the whole thing on here only to take it down when the book comes out in June. And not many people seem engaged in my Wattpad posts of it, which makes me want to just put up the first five chapters and call it a solid preview of the book. Thoughts? Pre-order it if you love Fragments of Alchemy please! Link below!


@morfusmax1 It does, if you allow it to. I haven't looked into it for this pre-order to see what I can already see of the book. I have more in the preview for my other books than that though. I posted up to the end of Part 1 of both of the other books, which is when it is really starting to get good I think.


@ACSutliff First five chapters sounds like a plan.  Doesn't Amazon show a few chapters as a preview?


hey, I hope you are well and that everything is going good with your book. I was wondering if you could read my new story. It's set in the Harry Potter universe. The name is: A New Realm of Hope.


@ACSutliff Totally agree—executing the idea is where the real work begins! But it sounds like you’ve got a great mindset for it. I’m sure once your system is in place, everything will fall into place. Fingers crossed GetCovers comes through quickly for you! Let me know if you need any help brainstorming or fine-tuning anything while you wait. I’m excited to see how it all comes together!


@Houseofblack_1103 I'm really glad you think so. Implementing a great idea is MOST of the work though. I've got my work cut out for me. I have to wait for GetCovers to get back to me about book covers right now, because they ALWAYS fail to work on the first time I upload them for some reason. But they ALWAYS fix it for me. But in the meantime, I can try to get my system in place and get a good plan ready.


@ACSutliff That sounds like so much fun! I love how creative and quirky your idea is—it’ll definitely get people’s attention. I can totally picture you in your reading chair, geeky glasses on, and bringing your characters to life. Plus, who wouldn’t want to join a community of fellow book nerds?  I think it’ll be a great way to connect with readers and get them excited about your series!
            Also, thanks for adding A New Realm of Hope to your list! Can’t wait to hear your thoughts whenever you get around to it. If you have any suggestions or feedback, I’d love to hear them!


A few updates on fun writerly things: (I've been busy!)
          I want to thank you for a successful free book giveaway! More people snagged a free copy of The Code Keeper than I expected! I'm super anxious to know what you all think of the book. If you are reading it on Kindle, please consider leaving a review on Amazon. It is SO helpful to authors, even if you just click those stars! Let me know if you missed the free book giveaway, and I can schedule another one! It literally costs you nothing to get the book if you wait for my free book promo, so trading the enjoyment of a free book with the time to write a review would be greatly appreciated! Don't hesitate to reach out!
          I am nearing the conclusion to my ONC Soulmates Across Borders. I know it is ONC season and many of you are writing your new ONCs, and this novella came out two years ago, but if you remember reading it and feeling like it wasn't quite finished, you can finally get to see a real ending to Solí's story. (Sorry for the wait! But I was hesitant to edit the book since it was on the shortlist, so I wasn't sure if I could get away with changing it after the fact. I finally decided to just go for it and give the readers and characters the ending they deserve. Bonus: It is setting up a sequel that I cannot wait to write!)
          I have started releasing the Code Giver on Wattpad. The next chapter is out now.  Has anyone read the Code Breaker here on Wattpad? You can continue the story now! Though this book is the third in the series, it is also a clean wholesome teen romantasy that might be interesting to new readers.  Don't worry! This book can stand on its own. My characters will just appear to have a lot of backstory, that's all! But if you want to read the first and second book in the series beforehand, message me about a free book promo, and snag yourself a copy of the Code Breaker on Amazon for only $4.99, or read it on Kindle Unlimited with your subscription!


@WezleyBrookz Oh that's neat! Do you have an artist on your team? I am constantly finding myself wishing I learned how to be an artist along with my writing skills... It feels too late to learn how now, but maybe it's not? I hope it all goes well for you!


@ACSutliff We didn’t want to go with KU atm. We are re-working the long serial into multiple novellas which will go here on KOD and can be published as two or three books later when combined, but for the next few years we want to work on art and audio, and making our own permanent home for them… And then we’ll think about how all that looks! ❤️⚔️


@WezleyBrookz I understand! I’m thrilled to have another reader for the book! And potentially the series. It’s so hard for me to balance reading with writing. Either one or the other for me, it feels like. Did you ever move your books to KU or kindle because Vella will dissolve? I got a free month of KU and want to use it as much as I can!


Just a reminder that I am unpublishing most of the following two books here on Wattpad TOMORROW. In My Head, which will soon be available as an audiobook, and Fragments of Alchemy: The Code Keeper, which will be on sale on Amazon for $0 for five days, starting tomorrow! Remember to get the Code Keeper for free on Kindle while you can from February 1st-5th!



Hi, thank you for reaching out. I found out that if a book is published on Kindle  (KDP) I technically can’t give the book away for free elsewhere. Publishing rights and all that… In My Head has been up for years now, so I really need to take it down before the audiobook comes out in a few months. And Fragments of Alchemy will be free to buy on Kindle starting tomorrow for a five day sale, so I am trying To get The Word out about that. I hope you consider snagging yourself a copy while it’s free!!


            I don’t get why you’re unpublishing your novel? Are you not allowed to have your writing on Wattpad if you publish your work outside Wattpad?


Big news! In My Head second edition is getting an audiobook on Audible! I'll keep you updated on the progress. So far, I have submitted the request for an Audible book cover with the narrator's name on it to my book cover artist and uploaded the manuscript to ACX. 
          If you would like to hear samples of the audiobook, follow me on Instagram! The first fifteen minutes will be recorded by my narrator by the end of the week! I'm so excited for this book to become an audiobook! The tentative release date is National Epilepsy Awareness Day, March 26th!! 

          This is a friendly reminder that I am pulling down the last half of In My Head AND The Code Keeper on February 1st! After that date, you will only be able to find a sample of the books here on Wattpad. If you are reading those books right now, try to finish up before then, OR you can find the link to my Amazon Author Page in my bio and read the books on KU!
          Happy reading everyone!


@EMMcNulty Thanks so much Em! I'm super pumped too.


@ACSutliff I'm so pumped for you! This is such great news!! ❤️


The fragile bonds of a new alliance are about to be tested. What do you think of the coyote prince? Come read Soulmates Across Borders and see for yourself if you agree with Pango's sentiments about Kanapa.
          The next chapter of Soulmates Across Borders is out, and the first chapter of The Code Giver is also out now, for all my Fragments of Alchemy fans.


One week from tomorrow, I need to take down half of In My Head and The Code Keeper so I can keep them up for sale on Amazon. Thanks for understanding, and if you are currently reading either book, I'm sorry for the deadline! I hope you have time to read the books in full, or you can visit my author page and read the books with your Kindle Unlimited subscription.
          Thanks for your support everyone.


I have decided to continue drafting Soulmates Across Borders, my old ONC! I am keeping everything in the same book to keep it easier to navigate, since the book was never really finished anyways. If you were reading it once upon a time, come make sure it is still in your library/reading list and stay tuned for more! Starting with some backstory for Aer'ehk. Who remembers Aer'ehk?!

          While I am discontinuing books, I decided I'd better continue one that never seemed quite finished. I hope you all enjoy!


@ACSutliff I'm sure that minor change will be fine!


@EMMcNulty I had to change the name of the head summoner's wolf! Just so you know. I edited the glossary and characters chapter and three or four chapters where the wolf appears, because somehow it slipped my mind that I had already used the name Kanapa for the wolf. I want to keep the name Kanapa for the coyote prince so I changed Hake's wolf's name to Mātayah, which is such a cool name I'm kind of bummed that I gave it to such a minor character. Kanapa seems easier to remember though, and Mātayah means white in the Värian  language I made up. Because the wolf is white, so it is a good change I think. :)


@EMMcNulty yay right back at you! I have no idea what’s going to happen, and it’s a very exciting feeling!!


Discontinuing Books! I know many people won't see this, but I have put three of my books on Kindle Unlimited, so I need to unpublish a good majority of them, leaving up only a preview. In My Head, The Code Keeper and the Code Breaker are all going to be removed shortly. If you are currently reading these books, please leave me a comment so I know, and I can work with you on when I officially bring down the books. Thanks!