I have a confession to make.
I'm not one to make Creek my OTP in southpark.
They are cute, sure, but before I came here.
Before I made this profile.
I was here once before, but I wasn't a Creek shipper.
Now, I know some may shame me for this but, I was a Kyman shipper.
And still am.
I'm proud to be one, now, you can say what you want, you guys can do what you like, but this confession is like my goodbye.
I'm sorry that I haven't finished anything on here, I know that. I have a bad habit of doing that, reason being... I can't write Creek anymore.
So... before this all ends, I want everyone else, all 116+ followers to decide the character's fate, make your own ending, your own story, your own way.
Each story I have written, it conveyed my emotions, but, it wasn't good enough.
They were rough, obscure, terrible.
Because I wasn't open.
I kept hiding.
My true self, the first ever account I made on here was known as "Chaotic-Jinx."
...So... I must go now... please, forgive me.