Tell me why this braindead Gigi ran into my distracting circle and got hit twice, then got me hit and told me I was a bad distractor.


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Dumbass hoes be wanting to run into twisteds and get mad at me for their actions 


This is exactly why I dread playing as pebble 


Tell me why this braindead Gigi ran into my distracting circle and got hit twice, then got me hit and told me I was a bad distractor.


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Dumbass hoes be wanting to run into twisteds and get mad at me for their actions 


This is exactly why I dread playing as pebble 


I’m literally about to touch Burning Spice Cookie, Black Sapphire Cookie, Pure Vanilla Cookie, and Shadow Milk Cookie so hard




I honestly hate being in “friendships” where it’s clear the other person merely sees you as a backup friend. They only hang out with their main friend group, and come to you when they have no one else to talk to. When you talk to them, they rarely respond or are dryer than the goddamn desert. It feels like you’re the ONLY one trying in the friendship, considering you text them daily, call them, or initiate convos. I get sometimes people can be annoying, but can we please normalize kindly telling people if they’re annoying or if we don’t wanna be friends with them anymore? Because why do I have to find out the hard way that someone didn’t really fw me like I thought and just used me to pass time or wtv. It hurts way more finding out the truth later on than being told the truth.


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It’s even worse when the person you’re in this “friendship” with is someone who you thought was cool, popular, and funny. When yall finally start to talk, yall immediately click like it was meant to be. You guys keep talking, and out of nowhere, when their main friend group comes along, they leave you in the dust. And you know better to not join them since they’re cool and you’re not. It really sucks. This happens to me too often. This shit is the exact reason why I don’t like making friends. It starts out good, and suddenly they ghost you. This happened to me about 6 times. Like, damn, if I’m annoying and driving you insane, at least tell me kindly before just ditching me. I seriously feel like a lost dog in these situations. Especially since I love like one, too. Just like dogs, I love people who always fucking hurt me. And it’s genuinely driving me insane. Goddamn, I just want a new friend to hang with. 


My uncle’s dog just died….ive known that dog for so long. Ever since I was 5. I miss him so much. I didn’t even get to see him before he died. But at least he’s no longer in pain ️


I honestly just need to vent out my emotions here. Just like my other dog, I never got to see him before he passed. I feel so upset. I wish he never had a stroke, and maybe he would’ve lived a bit longer. But he’s in a better place, and if not maybe he got reincarnated as a super cool snail or something! I feel really bad for my uncle and auntie. I know the pain. I hope they’re doing okay, same with their other dog too. :(