「 the twenty ninth of july, two thousand and nineteen. 」 what’s it called when you have the urge to do something that may not be right — your gut feeling. now, not every time your gut feeling will be correct, but most of the time, it’s the option you need to take a risk for. after multiple years writing shitty joe sugg instagram fanfictions to now having a book legible for the wattys, it’s my time to go. wattpad at one time for me was what you could call an, escape. i would come on to this app that welcomed you with others hard earned worked, and type chapters on chapters of events that only ever happened in what we call fanfics. but now, our secret little home isn’t so little. books that were published by people that just wanted to express their appreciation for influencers, celebrities etc today are getting turned into block buster movies. and i’m not saying i’m not proud of the outcome, but it’s just not something that made wattpad my escape. over my years growing up, my anxiety just got worse, which in the end, is a big reason why my time here is over. i cant read other books without thinking that mine aren’t as good enough. i cant write a chapter without over thinking what i’m typing and deleting it. and i don’t want what used to be my everything, so cause me to be nothing. i just want to thank everyone that still reads my work today. that still comment on the stupid things that make you laugh. that still tell me how much they love my writing. i will forever appreciate the support. while i’m here, i want to tell you that there’s so many unappreciated writers that deserve love. if you’re ever scrolling through your recommendations and you see a book with a small amount of reads, check it out, because you never know, one day it could be one of those block buster movies. anyways — this whole thing is a mess and probably doesn’t make sense, but that’s okay. i love you. peace out whores. tahlia <3

@ADMIREEM im going to miss you and your creative stories. we never talked, or interacted but your books inspired me to write my books and thanks to your i found my friends through them. thank you so much we all love you 3000

imma miss you. we never talked personally but your writing was one of a kind and i appreciate all of it.