just added to love, ranboo’s last chapter over 1200 words, the chapter felt unfinished and i really wanted to add something. please read. the chapter is called « you can do this + girlfriend » 


“love, ranboo.” hit 50k!!!!!!!!!! who knew that this book I decided to write (after i was HEAVILY inspired by Luca, the Disney movie) was going to go as far as this. I’ve been meaning to edit it (heavily) and I will. It is summer again, so who knows. But I do still have sports going on so if I start anything new ( ;) ) updates will be scattered all over the place. That was a little update for you. You all are amazing. Every person that has read my work, every person who follows me, every person who likes when there is new update, amazing. Amazing. Amazing. Amazing. Je vous aime tous. Love, Vee. <3


oh my god i could cry! ur so sweet i love writing and lately i’ve been trying to deal with writers block but you don’t even know how you’ve made my heart feel. you are such a kind human and i’m sure thousands of people who write and publish would appreciate this message as much as i do.  you’ve made my day and i hope you’ll go make someone else’s as well!!