Happy Pride Month Everyone!! Stay Safe, I Love You All ♡♡
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Happy Pride Month Everyone!! Stay Safe, I Love You All ♡♡
Happy Pride Month Everyone!! Stay Safe, I Love You All ♡♡
Happy Pride Month Everyone!! I love you all ♡♡
Has anyone else read This Woven Kingdom yet? I finished it yesterday and it was ☆amazing☆ easily the best book I've read in a while (ignoring the fact I've barely read outside of schoolwork for like 2 years) from what I've seen it's no where near as popular as it should be, I read it in like a week I couldn't put it down (which is probably a reason that the first draft of my coursework that just went in isn't the best XD) and almost as soon as I finished I pre-ordered the sequel (which is coming out around my birthday - I'm so excited) Has anyone else read it or thinking about it? I have no one else to talk to about this XD
@ADateWithTheDevil That’s cool, I’m excited to see the rewritten version, but take your time! It is always nice to see that you are alive, also good luck finishing up school!
@moon_light920 awww! I'm so glad I could help <3 I'm doing pretty ok I think we're approaching exam season so in just over a month I'll be done with school and I've gos /so many/ ideas for things to write
That sounds interesting, also I never got to say this till now, but thank you for creating "What makes a monster" it really helped me through the pandemic, but how are you holding up now, you alright?
So I've been gone for almost a year huh? I'll admit it hasn't felt like that long, how are you all? As it's been a year I wanted to give you all a little update. I'm doing better, a lot better actually. I've been taking better care of myself physically and, though I'm still a little too hard on myself and sometimes fall back into old thought patterns I'm doing better mentally too. I also finished my first year of A-levels (which is the same level as the first year of college) and I'm going to start my second soon (September 6), while I'm studying this year I'm also going to be making descisions about university. So a lot of stuff and, I guess, a lot of change. But it hasn't been so bad. Now the bit that actually affects you guys, (incase you skipped the personal stuff), I still refuse to give up on my story, and while it did get ignored for quite a while, I'm proud to say that writings back in progress. It's slow and not always the best, but this time around it's going to be better planned, easier to understand and (hopefully) better written. I have 20 chapters, all between 1500 and 2000 words written and the 21st chapter in progress. It's going to be a while until it's finished and I wont lie and say I know when it'll be back, but for now I hope that just knowing that it's in the works will be enough. Also, if any of you were interested, I watched BBCs Merlin while I was away, and I might've had it stuck in my head for the past 3 days. So in much the same way What Makes A Monster started, I stayed up all night for 2 days in a row writing. It's a Merlin x OC, as of now it's around 9000 words long and will mainly (but not entirely) follow the plot of the show. I wasn't planning on publishing it, but once it's done I'd be happy to do so if some of you wanted to see it. Either way, I wanted to give you all an update now that I'm being slightly more productive, as always feel free to ask any questions. I love you all, -Alex
I’m so glad to hear that you’re doing better! Take your time, knowing your skill, the final product will be worth it :D
As I will be turning 17 in a little over an hour, I would like to take this opportunity to inform you all that for the next year, I am, technically, a dancing queen >:) -Alex
@ ADateWithTheDevil I am a bit late but I still want to wish you Happy Birthday I hope you had a great day
Dude, did you just speed read through Soldier Boy?! Impressive!
@SpiritWolfNura Thanks XD I read a chapter or so earlier but honestly your writing is s o good Plus ive been really fosused on re draffting my old story recently so its nice to have a look around to see how everyone else is torturing Sans XD
Happy Pride Month Everyone!! I love you all ♡♡
I gotta start this announcment by apologising, I think, God Im feeling really nervous just writing this so please bear with me. I need to take What Makes A Monster down for a while, I thought I was doing better but being without it made me realise how much i was overworking myself to make it and how many mistakes and inconsistencies there are in it. Normally Id just try to put it on hiatus again but knowing that youre waiting and seeing new readers and followers come in makes it hard to look at my phone because any notification made me feel awful about pausing but I didnt want to turn notifications off incase something i needed to see came up. I wont be deleting the story at all, itll be back one day, edited and hopefully better written, but Im going to end up working myself into a panic attack if Im not careful, and I dont want to do that if its preventable. Ive always had a problem with this, where Id work myself into a burnout then beat myself up for being unable to continue then trying to do more than before to make up for lost time, which always ended in another burnout and ended up in a repeating cycle of being overly tired and stressed until i burnt out, and ending up producing worse work because of it. I know that its something I have to work on, and its something Im trying to work on and I have been getting somewhat better at it with you guys support and my friends forcibly stopping me from overworking, but its still a huge problem for me and one Im not sure Ill ever completley get rid of, but I can at least try and be proud of myself for trying. (1/2)
Hey I want to say that I am glad you are doing better, and it is ok to take your time!
@ADateWithTheDevil what's most important is you and your wellbeing. i don't really know how to express this since i'm not good with words, but take however much time you need. none of us are angry at you and we support you to the fullest. thank you for telling and confiding in us about this. we appreciate it and you can take your time to come back whenever you're ready to. you're awesome, really.
@ADateWithTheDevil I am sorry to hear that! I hope we didn't put to much pressure on you. Please take care of you and don't worry, I am not angry or mad (and I think this is also true for the others). The most important thing now is that you become better.
Hi Alex, It has been a while, so I wanted to check on you again. How are you doing? Are you okay? Would be nice to hear something from you. Doesn't have to be a new chapter (doesn't mean I wouldn't love one ). Just something so I stop to worry about you.
@JayaBallard I'm doing alright school's over, I'm trying to get some sleep and I've started work on the next chapter (I'm hoping to get it out soom)so no need to worry at all
I know I'm a week late but happy pride month everyone!!! Love you all ❤ -Alex
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