
Hey Yall! 
          	I'm so sorry I've been such a story-update-slacker. But in my defense some serious S#!+ has been going on. Anyways. I'm posting the test of Life at the High this week!  So one chapter went up today and the rest ill be posted each day after until it's complete. Since I've been so behind I figured forget once a week lets just do this now. Hope y'all enjoy. In about a month ill be posting all of Life at the High:The AfterParty. 


@ADreamersWriter Your dream life sounds very warm and perfect, too. Ahhh, well. It's good to put those dreams out there. I do believe in manifesting. Not in a magic way, but I think if we visualize some things, we end up subconsciously taking steps to get us there. Not much we can do about the sickness and dying, though:( Only maybe coming to some sort of terms with death so that we greet it with acceptance and a measure of peace. Easier said than done. It's been very nice chatting with you.


@ShelleyBurbank @ShelleyBurbank Now see this sounds like a perfect day in the fancy life to me. Especially the spa/massage. It's one of those things I love that I've decided I should start treating myself to more. I haven't quite started on it yet, but deciding is the first step, right?  Mine would be a nice warm home with a large family that included kids who were well-behaved and didn't try to kill each other during my writing or massage time. Also plenty of family trips and just trips with me and my fiance (in this world my hubby). Also, no one would get sick or die. That would be a big one. But this is why we write, we get to build worlds we otherwise don't have.


@ADreamersWriter Right? But my utopia would make a pretty boring story. 1)wake up and have someone bring me my coffee 2)I sit down to write and everything comes out smoothly and I get a chapter done flawlessly in three hours 3)I go to the gym where I'm 110 pounds of pure flexible muscle 4)spa massage 5)someone brings me a perfect vodka martini which I sip on my perfect stone patio surrounded by birds singing and gorgeous flowers and plants 6)someone makes me a gourmet dinner to eat with my handsome husband 7)jazz music, fireplace, reading perfect books 8)off to sleep with no troubles at all.


Thanks for adding Rosalie to your reading list! I'm so excited about this one!


@ShelleyBurbank We certainly can! Gosh its nice to talk to someone who understands what its like. I want so badly to have something totally polished though. Omg. Time to work on many stories at once I suppose. 


I'm like that, too. I was just journaling about that today, how once I finish I just want to go on to the next thing and whether or not I'd be able to maintain interest for the long haul. We can do it!


@ShelleyBurbank That is super exciting! Congrats! Yeah I want to write books and scripts.
            My pribkem is I just finish a full draft of something, read it through and then 8 just want to work on something new. I want to get more disciplined with publishing my work so i can start going query crazy. 


Hey Yall! 
          I'm so sorry I've been such a story-update-slacker. But in my defense some serious S#!+ has been going on. Anyways. I'm posting the test of Life at the High this week!  So one chapter went up today and the rest ill be posted each day after until it's complete. Since I've been so behind I figured forget once a week lets just do this now. Hope y'all enjoy. In about a month ill be posting all of Life at the High:The AfterParty. 


@ADreamersWriter Your dream life sounds very warm and perfect, too. Ahhh, well. It's good to put those dreams out there. I do believe in manifesting. Not in a magic way, but I think if we visualize some things, we end up subconsciously taking steps to get us there. Not much we can do about the sickness and dying, though:( Only maybe coming to some sort of terms with death so that we greet it with acceptance and a measure of peace. Easier said than done. It's been very nice chatting with you.


@ShelleyBurbank @ShelleyBurbank Now see this sounds like a perfect day in the fancy life to me. Especially the spa/massage. It's one of those things I love that I've decided I should start treating myself to more. I haven't quite started on it yet, but deciding is the first step, right?  Mine would be a nice warm home with a large family that included kids who were well-behaved and didn't try to kill each other during my writing or massage time. Also plenty of family trips and just trips with me and my fiance (in this world my hubby). Also, no one would get sick or die. That would be a big one. But this is why we write, we get to build worlds we otherwise don't have.


@ADreamersWriter Right? But my utopia would make a pretty boring story. 1)wake up and have someone bring me my coffee 2)I sit down to write and everything comes out smoothly and I get a chapter done flawlessly in three hours 3)I go to the gym where I'm 110 pounds of pure flexible muscle 4)spa massage 5)someone brings me a perfect vodka martini which I sip on my perfect stone patio surrounded by birds singing and gorgeous flowers and plants 6)someone makes me a gourmet dinner to eat with my handsome husband 7)jazz music, fireplace, reading perfect books 8)off to sleep with no troubles at all.


I am so sorry I became one of those people who neglect their wattpad book baby. I just realized a few of you were really enjoy The AfterParty and I just left it be. So after a bit of thought, I've decided to finish publishing it once all of Life at the High is up. Trust me if I do both at once it'll be a mess. Simpler is better here folks. My schedule for as far as I can see will be every Friday. I have other stories, long and short, I want to post and as they come up that will be on a Saturday or a Friday if I'm not posting another long-form story.  Ya'll are amazing!


Over 700 reads for 'Chat Stories'! OMG, I can't believe it as I watch those numbers go up. This is such a great feeling. Thank you to everyone. Who's read, voted and commented. Y'all are amazing. And I am totally back into the Wattpad swing of things now. I will be posting regular content.


I just posted the first chapter to my latest teen thriller. I'm so excited for this and I hope you all enjoy it.


@ADreamersWriter thanks so much. I really appreciate it. 


@ ADreamersWriter  I haven't read a thriller on Wattpad Before and it's been awhile that I was searching for a good one. Thanks I'm sure gonna check it out!! :) 