
Lads, Ladies, Gentlepeoples: long story short my spouse cheated and we aren't together anymore. Eventually I'll write again, commited to finishing the story no matter how long it takes


I was so shocked a while back to see even 60 reads on Signed, S. Sallow. Needless to say my expectations were blown out of the water reaching over 1,500 over the weekend. I started my book on a whim for fun and am well chuffed that anybody ever read it at all. You people are wonderful and I appreciate all of you. Thank you for the support! 


Hello to the approximately 0 people reading this. I've been playing Hogwarts Legacy and will probably be doing some Sabastian Sallow x Main Character fanfic because quite frankly I've turned into a total simp. Started out as a joke...not sure it's a joke anymore