Hi everyone, I just want to come on here and let you guys know I’ll be taking a hiatus from Wattpad. I haven’t come up with a new story in years and right now, I feel so disconnected from fanfiction. I’ve been putting together an original story that has been in the works for almost three years, and maybe once I’ll start writing that I will share it with you all.
          	But I want to say thank you, because I don’t know when I’ll be back. Thank you for supporting my stories, for following, interacting, and most importantly? Making me believe I can write stories and maybe publish my own one day. 
          	But, till whenever. I’ll see you sometime.


@ AGENTSOFCARTER  giiiirrl you were soooo amaizing, I'm glad i found you
          	  oh captain my captain, you will be missed


Hi everyone, I just want to come on here and let you guys know I’ll be taking a hiatus from Wattpad. I haven’t come up with a new story in years and right now, I feel so disconnected from fanfiction. I’ve been putting together an original story that has been in the works for almost three years, and maybe once I’ll start writing that I will share it with you all.
          But I want to say thank you, because I don’t know when I’ll be back. Thank you for supporting my stories, for following, interacting, and most importantly? Making me believe I can write stories and maybe publish my own one day. 
          But, till whenever. I’ll see you sometime.


@ AGENTSOFCARTER  giiiirrl you were soooo amaizing, I'm glad i found you
            oh captain my captain, you will be missed


          I’m hosting a 30-Day Short Story/ Poetry Challenge, and I think you’d love it! Each day comes with a new theme to inspire your short stories or poetry, and I’d love to see you participated on this. Check out the full rules and guidelines here: 
           Nice to know you <3


I’d like to announce the new version of Evermore will be my next project. As some of you know, three years ago I participated in Nanowrimo and I completed Evermore. This will just be the second draft with extra stuff, but it will be under a different name. Stay tuned!


I know I keep saying this. But I have been thinking about this


Should I write a Chris Evans fanfic? (pls say yes) 


Yessss pleaseeeee


Yes please!!!