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I'm sorry, but can we talk about what the fuck is happening in China right now? Muslim's in China are forced into concentration camps, forced to eat pork and drink, are separated from their families, are being raped and murdered. They have to change religions or they will be murdered. Bitch, WHY THE FUCK DO NONE OF YOU BITCHES CARE?!!! I KNOW DAMN WELL NO ONE FORGOT ABOUT THE HOLOCAUST, SO WHY THE FUCK ARE WE SITTING HERE AND LETTING THIS SHIT HAPPEN AGAIN?!!!! What the absolute FUCK, people?!! This is fucking insane. Y'all wanna be all scared about Covid 19, while there is a FUCKING HOLOCAUST HAPPENING IN CHINA RIGHT NOW!!!!! THEY'RE IN THE WORKS OF A MASS GENOCIDE AND WE'RE ALL PISSY ABOUT A DISEASE?!!!! THERE IS A 2-3% DEATH RATE OF COVID 19. IT IS HIGHLY LIKELY THAT EVERY MUSLIM IN CHINA WILL BE ABUSED, RAPED, AND KILLED!!!!! HUMANS BEING KILLED BY HUMANS IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN HUMANS GETTING SICK FROM COVID 19, AND I WILL ALWAYS STAND BY THAT. EVERYONR WHO CHOOSES TO IGNORE THIS CAN GO SUCK MY DICK!!! This is a serious issue, and we NEED to talk about it. Fuck Covid 19, people are being raped and murdered over their religion. You wanna get pussy about something? Get pussy about what the hell is going on in China.

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@AGUST_D_wannabe I just read a report in the new york times website, it is disgusting. Why the fuck is there no media covering it in our country? Or hell, any country at all?

@AGUST_D_wannabe I have no idea, as generally Muslims (people I know) are a pretty close-knit bunch. To know that they are being silenced is so sad and damn, this really should be reported if the report have evidence.

@Svan_Wright I looked it up a few hours ago. The BBC wrote an article, and the furthest article dates back to SEPTEMBER 13 OF 2018!!! How have we not known of this?!! How have they managed to keep this under wraps for two years?!!