
I am back 


          So I read your bio and found out that the author you  are looking for maybe be me. I'm writing a story with title- Suicide. I hope you like it cause it ain't a typical one. And when I'm done by the book I'm sure You'll love it if you give it a chance. Currently I have exams so I'm restricting my writings for now. But yeah if you do decide to read my book-Suicide which is a kth ff or any of my books in general, a tissuue box is gonna be your best buddy throughout the reads


Hi, there! Hoping not to bother you, yet I felt like dropping a quick request to you. 
          Specifically, I've started a book called, "Cherishing The Nonpareil Existence", as fanfiction about BTS. 
          If you could spare your moment to check it out, that'd be highly appreciated and if you choose not to, that's also acceptable. I merely had a thought in mind. 
          Thank you! Have a pleasant day :)


I apologise for the inconvenience, but I wanted to share that I have written my first fanfiction. While it may not be the most exceptional piece, it is a simple story. If you are interested I would greatly appreciate it if you could give it a read and leave a vote and comment. Your feedback would mean a lot to me. Thank you and take care.


Hi to anyone who is reading this
          I had a news to share well due to some personal reasons I am logging out from wattpad for a month 
          And worse part is to update a new story will take more than a month as during this time period I will not able to write anything 
          I am sorry for it 
          Hope you understand it


Thanks alot for waiting for me


@AGoodlife16 it's definitely ok. You take care of everything that you have to. It'll be ok 


@AGoodlife16  don't be sorryy. take ur time gurll