
Happy Holidays Everyone,
          	It's been a rollercoaster of a year with COVID. Stay strong, have faith, and remember there is always a light at the end of every tunnel. Until then, pick up a book or two and escape.  <3


Hey There, 
          I just want to thank all of you for following my page. It is my first time on Wattpad and learning the set up rather quickly (lol). I also want to address that there was a little oops on the uploading of The Descendant. For some reason, the first chapter didn't upload. When I uploaded it, chapter 1 ended up being the beggining of the book instead of the prologue (Yikes!). So I had to create the prologue as a short story in order for everything to flow nicely. 
          I hope you enjoy.


hi there,
          thanks so much for following me! if you followed me for my books, i truly hope you enjoy them! ❣️
          if my books aren’t your cup of tea (or coffee) that’s totally cool too, i just appreciate you becoming a part my little virtual library where i post pieces of my heart + feature some of my  favorite stories on wattpad! 