Hello People of Wattpad!
I am still alive!
I am so very sorry, to everyone who has been waiting to hear from me, and what I will be doing next. (Not really I sure only a couple people care lmao)
Its been a long time since I've published or done anything on here and guess what? I've got the time to start writing again!
I know you guys how, exciting(NOT)!
But I want to hear from you guys! I know I have not finished the sequel to Golden Escape. However, Its been way to long since I've made this story, about 5 years I believe. Since, I have grown as a writer and as a person.
(SERCRET ENDING TO SEQUEL) Sessy sama (or Sesshomaru)(the very sexy yokai we all know and love) gets the girl of course, and "saves" her from Koga. Koga stops treating his betroved (Ayame) like trash, but the beautiful woman she is, all because of Emi. Emi learns that she doesn't need to worry about being a half yokai because Sessy sama kills his b*tch mother, and everyone lives as happy as they can be with Jaken still being a lil sh*t. Maybe even a couple sessy pups on there way.(*wink wink*)
All that aside I want to start fresh with a new story line up and I won't disappoint.
Please let me know what kind of fanfiction or love romance story you guys would like to read! I am well versed in many animes and many other supernatural creatures.
I'll write for you guys. I got time, and I am not going to disappear again!
Comment Down Below for Suggestions.
Thank you so much. Have a wonderful day or evening where ever you are.