1. Who is the most laid back?
- Chica
2. Who is the meanest?
- Freddy
3. Who would be the pickiest eater?
- Probably Jeremy lmao
4. Who sleeps the most?
- Matthew
5. Who's the sneakiest?
- Freddy
6. Who's the most sensitive?
- Either Bonnie or Sparky
7. Who's the daredevil?
- Foxy
8. Who's the most dramatic?
- Bonnie
9. Who talks the most?
- Toy Freddy
10. Who, if they had to, would most likely take care of you?
- Sparky lol
11. Who would most likely make you lose your mind when you're with them?
- Chica
12. Who would give you gray hairs?
- Freddy (but i wouldnt live long enough to see them-)