
I'm hopefully going to be doing some writing here soon!


OK, I know it's been a LONG time since I've done anything on here quite frankly I haven't had any time...%uD83D%uDE01 The good news is, I have some new ideas. (Another) rewrite of Jamie's War...... %uD83D%uDE12 that may not happen.......... But I have another SciFi idea. I may go with that, or some other "interesting" ideas that are circulating my brain right now.... Anyway I hope you enjoy what I post next, it could be a little while away, but good things come to those who wait %uD83D%uDE09


I'm sorry i haven't updated anything in quite a while. I have a few new ideas for Jamie's War and a few other projects, but I'm not promising anything. I'm very busy with college, so i don't have as much time for writing as I'd like.


Okay the editing on the first two chapters is done. Nothing major on chapter one, just extended some of it. Chapter two has changed a fair bit. At the very least, re-read the part with Sophie's mum. Also, what are your opinions about the cover, and the cast I've chosen?