
Hey people,I appreciate your votes and comments on my book and I am truly sorry , I couldn't update the books, I have no idea when can I update again because I have no wifi, I know sucks, but I'll try my best to write and update, I'm really sorry :'(


Ain, dili lagi nako makita imong stories pag evisit nako imong profile? :(


@AINunicorn okay rana. Maypa gani ka kay naay gademand saimo nga magpadayun ug sulat. Sa ako kay wala gyud. XD


@Maiden_Blaze daghan kaayo annoying oi 


@AINaunicorn ayy nganu man Ain?


hey writer. I m enjoying reading our book. it really doesn't matter grammatical mistakes or spelling errors (accordingly what u said). and actually I don't know that was there any error or not because I was dived on in reading ur book. and yeah we people r really excited to read our next update. but I really didn't know that the 3words really irritated you (" please update fast!!!!") . and yeah if u really mean it then m sorry.


thanks and m sry for getting misunderstand


@keylanu Oh, thanks, but it wasn't you I was referring to, there's this bitch who rudely messaged me saying stuffs that irritated me, but I appreciate your effort in reading my book, hahaha, like really, and yeah thanks for reading, I'll be updating Chapter 7 this Saturday.


Hey people,I appreciate your votes and comments on my book and I am truly sorry , I couldn't update the books, I have no idea when can I update again because I have no wifi, I know sucks, but I'll try my best to write and update, I'm really sorry :'(


Thanks again for commenting and voting!! It means so much to me to hear from readers. The Demon King's Bride has a sequel called The Demon Dog's Wife already being published. I'm still working on it, so when your ready give it a try and I'll dedicate a chapter and give shout outs!! Thanks so much you don't know how you've made my day! :)


Hi! I saw that you enjoyed my version of the final chapter of Oh So Now You want Me so firstly I wanted to thank you for the feedback. Also, if you want I check out more of my work I have a few stories of my own on my wall. Or you can always read my chapter again, which you can find there as well! Have a great day:)