I have an announcement to make. It may be hard for me to say this, but I figured I’d get this out there. I decided I’m officially gonna be quitting Wattpad. I’m gonna be deleting my account shortly after midnight tonight. I’m sorry that it has to end like this, but I figured it’d be for the best. It’s been a fun and wild ride with you guys over the years. I greatly appreciate the support from you guys along the way while I’m writing my Wattpad stories. However, before I close this chapter of my life, I just wanna go on ahead and say…
APRIL FOOLS, EVERYBODY!!! I’m not quitting Wattpad and I’m never gonna delete it for any reason given. I’ll be continuing to post updates to my Wattpad stories. In fact, I have another chapter of “RWBY: A New Evil Rises” coming tomorrow, so be on the lookout for that update. Have a good night, you guys!