
I just met the word goal for round two of the ONC submission. Pop in and join Eve as she is thrown into a world she never dreamed of! 


Hey Everyone! 
          I have not been very active on here in the last little while as June is not a good month for me. Father's day and my birthday just aren't the same after the lost of my Dad a few years ago... But anyways, I am back and the rework of Fotaoh is back in full swing. I am taking all chapters down for a rewrite and will be posting the updated versions as I go! 
          I hope everyone has been doing well!


A Night to disappear made it to the ONC shortlist. I am so proud of this accomplishment! This is the first work I ever finished! 
          Shout out to everyone who has read it and a special shoutout to @Benhauthor who provided feedback along the way that helped improve not only the work itself but my skills as an author. 


So, much has happened since my last post. First, I have so far published a rewrite of chapters 1-3 of From the Ashes of Humanity. I published the prologue and chapter one of a new story Threefold. Please check them out and let me know what you think. 
          Second, and to me most importantly, A Night to Disappear made it to the ONC 2023 longlist! I am super proud of this accomplishment and achievement as it is the first story I have ever completely finished. I learned so much during the process and am taking it and applying it to my other projects. 


@TheStoryScholar  I understand. I took a little time off too. 


Hey, congrats!! Been off Wattpad for a while, so I haven’t been reading anything. Will get back to it soon!