
I have good news!
          	Updates for 'The Lunas' Fat Mate' and 'Not Yours' will be starting once a week until the books are finished. I'll probably be updating the chapter's on the weekend cause that's when I get most of my free time. 
          	Yes I'll be updating 'Locked' here and there, only because I have to finish 'The Lunas' Fat Mate' first. So as 'The Lunas' Fat Mate' continues, I'll slowly be releasing new chapters of 'Locked'.
          	Thank you all for the love and patients! 


@AJ_2810 can't wait to see what you have in-store  for the twins 


@AJ_2810 thanks.  I want to read..


Hi AJ. I have a really good idea for you. I have way to much time for my liking and I'm really good with spelling and punctuation, so if you'd like, I'll help with your editing. Only if you want it though. I'm just trying to help you.