Updated my story (how I met your mother) as that was one I’ve received the most messages for regarding wanting an update. I apologise it took a while as I was undecided if the route I’ve taken it was the way I wanted it go, but I went with it wanting to try something new The new take will be much clearer in the next coming chapter, (which may also be the final chapter). can you have a sad happy ending?
@AJ_Kidd I have never read that story from you. I've read another one or two maybe more that I love from you. That I hope you update or conclude.
Esse livro mexe demais comigo, eu sempre me emociono lendo os capítulos. Confesso que não gosto muito do fato da Stella ter morrido, mas essa história é tão boa, que eu fico querendo acompanhar mais. Acho que é o fato de você misturar histórias atuais com as que eles passaram juntos. Kelly merece um final feliz, mas dói saber que não é com a Stella. Continue com seus livros, eles são incríveis, todos eles.